Our Fall wedding            Angela & Chris              10.06.2012

                Chris  &  Angela

Our Story -
Chris and I met through mutual friends and have been dating since December 25th, 2007. As soon as we met, we hit it off. He shares my silly sense of humor, we have the same hopes and dreams for life, and he just understands me like nobody else ever has.

Our love for children is what made us choose to have a child before marriage, and I am glad we made this decision. Now our son can take part in one of the most important days of our lives.

We are getting married on Saturday, October 6th, 2012.  I Can't wait to marry my best friend.

Knottie Disclaimer: If you see anything on my bio that I haven't given you credit for, please page me on the E board or you can email me at [email protected]. I'd be more than happy to correct the issue.